Garrys mod wiremod how to#
Tutorial 25:This tutorial will teach you how to balance a panel/object using a gyroscope, thrusters, a GPS, and delta chips. Tutorial 24:This behemoth tutorial will teach you how to make a drawable wirescribe. Tutorial 23:This tutorial will teach you how to use/setup the laser pointer.

Tutorial 22:This tutorial will teach you how to create a "HoloSphere," AKA a sphere made with a holo emitter. Tutorial 21:This tutorial will teach you how to convert a seconds value into a multi-digit clock-display (like an alarm clock). Tutorial 20:This tutorial will teach you how to make a remote-controlled car with a suspension system. Tutorial 19:This tutorial will teach you how to make a pod-controlled cannon. Tutorial 18:This tutorial will teach you how to make a perfectly-working explosive that detonates when someone walks past a ranger (like in a door, for example).
Garrys mod wiremod upgrade#
Tutorial 17: This tutorial will help you understand Tricky's new tutorial on the delta upgrade for Qjet's automated turret.

Tutorial 16: This tutorial will show you how to tweak the Automated Turret taught in earlier tutorials so that it has near perfect accuracy at high range and also so that it shoots directly for the head instead of aiming at the feet. Tutorial 15: This tutorial will teach you how to make a very nicely working snazzy elevator. Tutorial 14: This tutorial will teach you how to effectively program the Expression Gate! Tutorial 13: This tutorial will teach you how to use most of the Wired Display modules. Tutorial 12: This tutorial will teach you how to make a Hunter/Seeker Bot which can be used either to follow you around or to seek out others. Tutorial 11: Teaches you how to make a drawbridge. Without minecraft, I wouldnt be the person I am today and certainly wouldnt have the same.
Garrys mod wiremod mods#
Tutorial 10: Teaches you how to make a wire-mod Holographic 3d-Scanner. I started Garrys mod when I was 13, now I code mods for it. It's very glitchy and no-where near perfect, but the tutorial will give you many good techniques for other things, so it's still useful to watch. Tutorial 9: Teaches you techniques for making a helicopter with thrusters only (no hoverballs) that self-corrects itself when it tilts. Tutorial 8: Teaches you about the delta chip, involving a remote control car. Tutorial 7: Teaches you how to use Holograms. Tutorial 6: Teaches you the logic behind Qjet/Tricky's Automated Turret and what each node is. Tutorial 5: Teaches you the basics of how most of the RAM/Memory Nodes. Tutorial 4: Teaches how to make a clean (glitch-free) sliding-glass door that's automated with wiremod to open when a player gets close. Tutorial 3: Teaches how to make a remote-detonated barrel with a 10 second countdown including an auto-stop at 0 feature. Tutorial 2: Teaches the fundamentals of gates and shows you how to make the simplest of hover platforms. Tutorial 1: Teaches the basics of wiring objects together and the fundamentals of the wire mod. Wire Mod its basic Logic, added into Garrys Mod, and makes me feel really stupid.:lolīUT FIRST A COOL VIDEO SHOWING OFF GMOD (SA GOONS) Wow, they are making some pretty cool things in gmod now (.other than posed humping of course)